CREA supports business and economic opportunities through renewable energy development in a competitive environment. We support use of free enterprise principles to create economically and environmentally responsible electric generation within the State of Oregon.
CREA Executive Committee Mtg. will take place on Friday, Feb. 10, 2023 from 10am - 1pm
Via Zoom (link below):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 5712 7703
Passcode: 697695
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 856 5712 7703
Passcode: 697695
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbVrwCkclI

Executive Board Agenda
Friday, February 10, 2023: 10am-1:00pm Via ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 5712 7703
Passcode: 697695
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kc37NZBMFl
Call to Order/Open Agenda - CREA Executive Chair, Commissioner Perkins
- Roll Call/Introductions/Time set aside for issues not
presented on the agenda
2. Consent Agenda – Chair Perkins 10:00am - Minutes: January 20, 2023
- Accept Financials for January, 2023
3. Designation of Exec Committee Alternates
4. HB 2416 - Req: large electricity users to comply with reqs to use
renewable energy 10:15am
- Robert Echenrode, (General Manager, Umatilla Electric Coop)
5. Reports & Discussion of Legislative Issues - Tess Milio/Mike McArthur 10:30am
6. Renewable siting Issues - Jeff Fox (Gallatin Power) 11:00am 7. Legislative Positions - Tess Milio/ Mike McArthur 11:30am
8. Introducing Allie Detrio (Microgrids Coalition) - Allie Detrio 12:30pm
9. Public Comment/Next Meeting - Chair Perkins
10. Adjourn - Chair Perkins 1:00pm
* Next Meeting: March 10, 2023: In Person? Location? Prineville?
For Minutes, Financials, Slide Presentations and any other materials, please visit our "Agenda, Minutes" Page.
HB 2021
& Small Scale R.E.
Click on the photo to learn about Oregon's RPS and the newly secured 8% mandate.
Why Support
Community Renewables?
Click on the photo to learn more about why community renewables are important to our state.